Jane and Wilson have a tendency towards content production. They consume plenty of movies, apps, and books, though they also make. They both make comics, such as Jane’s Wolverine Woman series. Jane has her daily three on Instagram. Wilson often grabs the iPad to make videos in his room using his stuffed animals as cast members.
When we’re exploring the outdoors, Jane and Wilson are keen to grab the GoPro to narrate the excursion. Wilson has his Moai Mountain (Rona Roku) tour on Rapa Nui. In Atacama, the kids got organized. Wilson became the cameraman and Jane the creative director. They narrated portions of our daily trips into nature.
Now, they are interested in learning how to edit their videos, combining them into montages and reels. They also want access to YouTube so they can start uploading videos on their own.
I’ll support them in all of this effort. I love to encourage production, as I tend towards a production mindset versus a consumption mindset. I would rather write a book than read one. I’d rather write blog posts than scroll Instagram. I enjoy building, crafting, and construction. It’s a great challenge to me to be a producer, to spend my time making versus consuming. I hope to keep nudging the kids in the direction of production as long as they keep showing an interest, and the GoPro seems to be the right indestructible and high quality piece of tech to turn them loose in their video production endeavors in South America.
I just learned how to edit videos and post them on youtube. Its always so fun!