Jane’s got some quirks. She keeps an untidy room that she claims is part of her creative space and process. She unwraps packages and leaves the wrappings on the floor where she stands. She stuffs used water cups into dresser drawers instead of bringing them downstairs. She regularly starts projects and leaves them unfinished, usually stuffed under bedsheets or in pieces on the floor. It all adds up to an interesting, adorable, and sometimes frustrating personality.
Every once in a while, Jane embarks on deep pursuit, one that requires careful attention and commitment. One of those pursuits is her comic series staring Wolverine Woman. She’s reached into the 40s in number of comic books in the series.
I took some time to scan and preserve the first 30 or so. I’ve added them here for her future self to see and enjoy.
Wolverine Woman #1: The Deadly Destruction of the Dangerous Diabolical Donut
Wolverine Woman #2: And the Colossal Christmas Tree
Wolverine Woman #3: Rise of the Amazon
Wolverine Woman #4: And the Silenced Stone Samurai
Wolverine Woman #5: The Cave of Secrets
Wolverine Woman #6: The Cave of Secrets #2
Wolverine Woman #7: The Stone of the Forgotten
Wolverine Woman #8: To Train or Not to Train
Wolverine Woman #9: Ravens Revenge
Wolverine Woman #10: The Final Blow
Wolverine Woman #11: Bored out of Your Skull
Wolverine Woman #12: Eiffel Emergency
Wolverine Woman #13: Battle of the Bands
Wolverine Woman #14: Freaky Frog Friday
Wolverine Woman #15: You Again
Wolverine Woman #16: Flashback Foes
Wolverine Woman #17: Eclipse Emergency
Wolverine Woman #18: Sci-Fi Showdown
Wolverine Woman #19: Pencil Problems
Wolverine Woman #20: The Final Battle
Wolverine Woman #21: What Happened When It Was Over
Wolverine Woman #22: Ice is Not Nice
Wolverine Woman #23: Fire is Higher
Wolverine Woman #24: Chile Chills
Wolverine Woman #25: Icy Ocean
Wolverine Woman #26: 2 Monsters? What is this?
Wolverine Woman #27: The Match Match
Wolverine Woman #28: Bigger Than Ever
Wolverine Woman #29: Show Stoppers
Wolverine Woman #30: (no name)
Wolverine Woman #31: Sandy Showdown
Wolverine Woman #32: Merash Madness
Wolverine Woman #33: WW Presents Raven -I’m RAVEN this Adventure
Dad when we get back to Railegh, can you scan in 34-65 please?
Yes, don’t lose them before then.