Hiking the Highline Trail near Logan Pass, Glacier National Park
I am completely blown away by Glacier National Park. It is my favorite park to date, and the park to which I am most certain I will return for more extensive backpacking.
The glaciers are bit underwhelming compared to the ones I’ve seen in Alaska, but the snow capped mountains, glacier blue lakes, countless waterfalls and streams, and green forests are completely breathtaking. On top of the beauty of the landscape, add the awesome sites of grizzly bears, black bears, and bald eagles.
I imagine the most popular feature of Glacier National Park is the Road-to-the-sun, and forty-mile road spanning the park that is rated one of the prettiest drives in the world. The road winds along beautiful lakes and streams and then climbs up and over Logan Pass, providing stunning views of the mountains and lakes.
My favorite aspect of our visit to Glacier was our commitment to get out and hike each day. We hiked nearly all of the popular hikes along Road-to-the-sun, including Avalanche Lake, Highline, and Hidden Lake, as well as some obscure trails.
No matter where we hiked, Glacier offered amazing beauty, from the lower elevation hikes through dense green forests to the high elevation hikes across snowfields.
Even in our week of constant activity, we only experienced a fraction of the park. There are hundreds of miles of trail and backcountry areas that I one day hope to return to explore, including the Canadian side of the park, which many have said is even more beautiful than the American side.
For those yet to visit Glacier, I cannot more highly recommend it, and I suggest putting it near the top of your list of national parks to visit.
I took about 200 photos in Glacier, and here are some of the ones I consider the best from our week exploring the park.
Absolutely spectacular. Makes me want to go there!
Thanks so much for sharing. Glacier is definitely on my list of “must see” places!