You know how when you send your kids off to school and you wish you could be a fly on the wall and witness their interactions? I feel like I’ve been given that gift this year. Getting to hear the kids participate in their virtual class discussions is so fun. I’m always so proud when I hear them perk up and contribute something engaging to the conversation.
I’m also impressed with all they are learning and the curriculum they are covering this year in virtual school. Jane has become enthralled with history and very much loved learning about the different tribes of Native Americans that called the US home long before any explorers arrived.
Recently Wilson’s class was discussing recycling, and he happily shared the Frankenstein we made out of water bottles for our Halloween decor. He also got to show it off when he patched into the third grade at his old school in the States to be the special guest reader. He read Pete El Gato in Spanish to the class in the US.

Getting to work with them 1:1 has its challenges. Their strengths and weaknesses are still the same as they’ve always been, but I’m continuously impressed by their progress, participation, and new interests when it comes to their education this year.
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