When the kids attend choir practice on Saturdays, Katie and I walk through Parque Bicentenario. It’s an expansive urban park with fields, trails, and food carts. People partake in activities all over the park. Cycling, walking, roller blading, running, juggling, yoga, dance, karate, soccer, etc. Last weekend, I asked Katie if she noticed a high quantity of non-athletes in the park. They swarmed the place, moving in groups, dawdling on the trails, looking at their phones.
We had stumbled into an augmented reality. The gamers hunted virtual Pokemon, conducted raids, and waged battles in another dimension during a Global Pokemon Go event.
Wilson and Jane are both on a Pokemon kick. When choir adjourned, we walked them through the park. They soon noticed the number of adults attached to their screens. The spotted T-shirts with Pokemon characters, and they even saw adults wearing full Pokemon costumes.
We had already downloaded the app for them, and we turned them loose to capture Pokemon.

I remember I asked Mom if she noticed that everyone was on there phone, and she pointed a some guy in a pickachu wunse and I was so confused.
Good job being aware of your surroundings.