On Wednesday afternoons, Wilson has skateboard class for two hours at the park. Jane and I walk him down to the park, make sure class gets underway, and then go for a run/rollerblade/jog together.
Sometimes we listen to a podcast, sharing the ear pods. We both love “How I built this.” Mostly we just talk. Since we’re all around each other all day everyday, our day to day conversations aren’t that exciting. But Jane being Jane often gets deep.
We’ve talked about our biggest fears. Hers is that she won’t get into or graduate college. She’s asked me to tell her in detail about all the jobs I’ve had in my life. What I’ve liked about them, what I didn’t. She’s asked me to tell her about meeting Mark and why I thought he’d be a good husband and father. She’s asked me if I knew I always wanted kids and if motherhood is what I’ve expected it to be. These talks and times with her on the cusp of the next phase in her life have meant the world to me as I know there will be challenges in our relationship as she spreads her wings.
I also know that she’s really listening to me and that what I’m sharing will stay with her. I’ll often toss hard questions back her way and hearing her learning to think critically about situations and enjoy that thinking process has been such a blessing. I’m so proud of her and grateful for this one on one time together.
From Mark: It also reminds me of times on our last adventure when mom and Jane had one of one girl time and new environments to explore. Here’s Jane on girls night out at the theater in Medora, North Dakota.

Priceless and probably will be the best part of your trip.
So far! 😉