Sweet Siblings
We get asked this often, mostly by grandparents and concerned family members, but there have been some general questions sent our way as to how the kids are adjusting to our trip. My answer? Pretty well!
Sure Wilson has cut six teeth with two more on the way since we left three months ago. That’s been a bit of a challenge for everyone. Jane has had her tantrums but we ALL have. All in all the kids are doing really well.
I was putting Wilson to bed the other night. This usually takes 10-15 minutes. Mark had left to get better wireless signal so he could send some work emails. Jane was instructed to read or do her puzzles quietly while I was putting Wilson down. As I was reading and singing to him, I heard a couple of doors open and close. Jane was moving around the main area of the Airstream. I wondered what the heck she was doing but dismissed it as I knew she was ok. While reading “Good Night Moon” my thoughts were about how I was going to lecture Jane about being quiet and listening to instructions and all that parent mumbo-jumbo.
I tucked Wilson in and crept out from the curtain that separates their sleeping area from the kitchen. When I looked up, I saw Jane sitting on the couch beaming. I looked around. The table had been wiped down. All our towels and clothes for the next day were folded neatly. All the toys and books were in their designated areas. She said “I cleaned up for you! I knew it would make you happy.” It did. I might have shed a tear. Sweet sweet girl.

Great little hole in the wall…
And Wilson, I was carrying him back to the Airstream for lunch and nap the other day. We had spent the morning together playing soccer and coloring with crayons and paints. He nuzzled into my neck and said “I WUV you, Mama.” I think that was his very first, unprompted I love you to me. I about died of happiness.
Yes, the kids are doing alright. On some days, better than alright.
Ahh Katie how precious! Those are the best stories. What sweet kids! 🙂
Thanks Martha!!