While I write this post, I sit in an RV park community building alone (praise hands!), watching the Bachelor finale (DOUBLE praise hands!) in an old recliner in front of a big screen TV.
The kids are asleep in the Airstream across the park, and Mark is with them while he blogs.
So obviously, I feel safe enough to be alone in this place.
Or Bachelor Finale > Safety
This is our first private RV park, and it’s really a trailer park. When we pulled in, Mark literally turned to me to say, “Don’t cry in front of this woman who is checking us in. She is proud of this place.”
So maybe I do just REALLY love the Bachelor?
This park was one of our last resorts looking last minute for a place to stay. We’re lucky to have found an opening during the busy season.
Less than a month ago, I had never been RVing.
I had never been to a state, national, or private RV park.
The quality of state and national parks in Florida has been stellar. Everyone we’ve encountered in the parks have been retirees or vacationing families, and they’ve all been pleasant.
I still on occasion get scared in these wonderful state and national parks.
It’s scary walking a hundred yards to the bathroom at night. It’s scary when the motion-activated lights in the shower turn off and I’m soaking wet, naked in the dark.
I’m most scared by nighttime critters, and honestly never by the thought of nighttime creepers…not until this private RV park, which is mostly occupied by people that live in trailers, not for traveling but for their home.
I’m a sheltered person. I 100% admit it. I went to private school from kindergarten through college.
The thought of staying several nights in a trailer park just weirds me out.
As Mark reminded me, the people living here aren’t mean. 99% of them are good people. There isn’t any reason to be afraid, we just need to be aware like anywhere else.
So far it’s been a positive experience. Everyone we’ve met has been super kind. The children of the families that live here are sweet and play well with Jane and Wilson.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not letting my guard down. I’m on high alert. I won’t let the kids out of my sight, and I’ve avoided some areas of the park because I have an uneasy feeling.
Though this place and some residents look scary at a glance, I have never felt unsafe.
That makes me feel better about our plans to not have every night planned, just seeing where we end up sometimes.
Anyone have a similar travel or RV experience to share?
Interesting trailer park. I bet you are going to meet a cross second of interesting people from all over this country. What a great adventure. I have enjoyed reading about it. You all probably know this the RVs can stay in a parking lot of Craker Barrel over night, you just have to ask the management. Did you get any interesting fruit from Robert fruit stand is Here in Florida?
Glad you’re staying in some places that make you feel uncomfortable… After this trip, you’ll likely learn most people are good hearted and well intentioned – even if they aren’t like you!