We left from Tortel on a single-minded mission to reach the end of the Carretera Austral at Villa O’Higgins. The trip involved a couple hundred kilometers and a ferry ride. Our goal was to reach the end of the road, take a picture, and then turn around and backtrack. Our schedule had become a bit crunched, and we needed to make sure we had time (and room for error) when crossing into Argentina and heading to southern Patagonia via Argentina’s Ruta 40.
We managed to reach the end of the Carretera Austral. We snapped some pictures at the end, and celebrated by spraying mineral water con gas like champagne.
We managed to catch the afternoon ferry on our northbound trek, and we found last minute accommodations in Cochrane to sleep the night before heading a few more hours the next day to the border crossing at Chile Chico. It was a pretty little cabin with wonderful views and hammocks hanging from the exposed beams.

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