On Dec. 30, we left Santiago for Pucon, Chile in the Los Lagos region. This is the first leg of a several months road trip through Chile and Argentina. We packed our 4Runner to the gills, filling every nook with an object or luggage. We purged as much as we could, but we still had a lot to pack. We packed the standard summer and winter clothes for four people, and we also have the following:
- All of our camping gear, including four sleeping bags, four sleeping pads, two tents, and assorted camping items
- Our home school supplies, laptops, textbooks, and a printer
- Our toys, like the skateboard, roller blades, a kite, and several sports balls
- A bunch of stuffed animals that we could not part with
- Several shoeboxes of souvenirs for friends and family in the states
- A box full of spices and packaged foods we won’t be able to find down south. Plus a crockpot. All necessary for keeping bellies full and satisfied in the difficult months ahead.
- And all my fly fishing gear, which is probably the most unnecessary of anything on this list.

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