We settled into our AirBnB outside Futaleufu. It’s actually well outside Futaleufu, about 45 kms. It’s remote. The water is pumped from the Futaleufu River, the electricity is strained, and hot water is inconsistent. While the house lacks certain comforts and consistencies, the redeeming quality is its location in the valley and on the river.
We have huge mountain peaks on all sides. The peaks are jagged and unique, always changing shape as the sun arches through the sky and casts new shadows across them. One peak has a small glacier hanging on it. The house is surrounded by an orchard of apple and pear trees. We have the blue waters of the river out our back door, and the sheer rock face of an enormous cliff behind the river. Atop the black cliffs, condors soar in the wind ripping through the valley. In the river, all sorts of birds move about, and we even managed to catch a small brown trout with the fly rod from the bank.

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