I’ve recounted in a past article that I shave my head before every big adventure. I do it because it’s easier to manage and keep clean when traveling. I decided I needed another trim for the Patagonia roadtrip. This time, like every time, Katie discouraged me from doing it. This time, like every time, I did it. But this time, I had help from a new recruit. Wilson got in on the action.
Unfortunately, we had some cheap clippers and he was slow, so we ran out of battery before the job was done.
I finished it a day or two later.
Wilson then decided it was time to shave his head. He took the clippers and zapped his bangs once or twice and then decided against it as the clippers couldn’t get through his thick locks. He’s now missing a chunk of hair in the front of his head, and he doesn’t seem to mind at all. He’d rather wait for it to grow back than to complete the buzz cut.

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