6am Arrival in Chile on July 25. Made it through customs.
In July 2022, our family (the Kelleys) moved to Santiago, Chile for a year of adventure. Planning and executing the move has taken a significant amount of planning, requiring us to rent a home sight unseen in a city we’ve never visited, evaluate schooling options for our children (8 and 10 years old), hire an immigration counselor to guide us through the visa process, and plan finances for a year sabbatical from our careers.
Why Chile?
We’ve never been to South America, let alone Chile. For several years, our original intent for this year of adventure was a European exploration. The pandemic delayed our plans, and the lingering health crisis created uncertainty in the reality of hopping from one country to another while exploring Europe. We decided instead to find a country in which we could live for a year, a country large enough to allow us to explore culture and nature within its borders. After some research, we settled on Chile for the following reasons:
Patagonia. The region affords ample opportunities for backpacking, paddling, fly fishing, skiing, riding, camping, and other outdoor adventures. This includes Chile and Argentina.
Antarctica. Our adventure itinerary is anchored around a ten day excursion to Antartica. Our son loves penguins, and we can’t wait to show them to him in Antarctica.
Culture. We’re going metropolitan, renting a home in the capital of Chile, Santiago. Our research showed the city offered countless cultural events to experience, had many city parks and trails, and provided relatively easy access to excursions in the surrounding mountains.
We’re dusting off this old blog, and we’ll be ramping up posts on our year of adventure in Chile. As we did on our year RV’ing around America, we’re aiming to post each day. Sign up for our email list to get updates when we post. And follow our family on Instagram, an account run mostly by and for our kids.
Articles about Living Abroad in Chile + Excursions in South America
Here are the most recent posts in descending chronological order. Click here to see ALL blog posts from our time in South America.