Why not just retire early and travel all the time?
There are countless choices and methods on the way to financial prosperity and freedom to travel. Having consumed many books, blogs, and podcasts on the subjects, we’ve cherry-picked the right ideas to create our own framework, the Adventure Possible life.
No doubt we’ve been influenced by the popular F.I.R.E. movement: Financial Independence Retire Early. In our 20s, the concept of cutting expenses, saving, investing, and enabling an early retirement intrigued us. We once dreamed of banking enough money in investments to entirely retire at a young age. However, as we’ve achieved F.I., and then when we blew past F.I. to achieve substantial wealth, we had to solidify that our personal definition of R.E. does not include living a constant life of leisure or travel on a fixed income.
For us, F.I. means pursuing the Adventure Possible lifestyle we have designed. We have ambitious goals in areas of career achievement, wealth accumulation, and charitable contribution. We intend to build companies, invest at scale, and create charitable foundations for the duration of our lives. We’ve decided R.E. for us does not mean indefinite travel or a lack of work. In fact, we’ve pushed out that period of “retirement” that’s defined by constant leisure, borrowing those years to use them for adventure in our younger life. R.E. means pursuing big goals in career, investing, and charity before the age of 70. During this time, we’ll continue to plan to take a year sabbatical every five to seven years, realizing the benefits of accelerated timelines, forced change, and disruption in our endeavors.