Best Birthday Wake Up Ever!
Last week was my birthday. I’m not a huge birthday person. I don’t celebrate all week, or all month like some people do. In our family, we usually do something special that the birthday person wants to do and that person gets to pick their birthday treat. For me its ice-cream or frozen yogurt. Heaven!
I was so excited when Mark got up early with Wilson and took him out in the car and came back an hour later with a latte and Wilson carrying flowers. It really warmed my heart. We usually only drink coffee on travel days as a reward to ourselves for being in the car all day.
Mark told me a bit later that my friends had sent me a video. As I watched them in silly and strange snapchat faces wish me a happy birthday I laughed till I cried. I love and miss my friends. Then at the end of the compilation video I was told I was going on a spa day as gifted by them! WOW!
Sedona is the spa capitol of the US so it would be a crime to visit and not partake right? I happily obliged. Most spas capitalize on the mystical Vortexes for which Sedona is known. I was intrigued. As I was getting my manicure my manicurist was talking to me about the Vortexes and how quite a few people believe that at a certain time of the year if you jump of the top of the rocks into the “Vortex” it will swallow you up. She then said “I’m not sure if I believe that or not…….” to which I just nodded my head and said “Yea”. I mean? What do you say to that?

What is a Vortex? Oh yes, Please tell me!
Not going to lie, after seeing this book on the table at the spa I was so intrigued by the idea of the Vortexes, I made Mark take one of the most popular hikes in Sedona. The next day we hiked to Cathedral Rock where I could see if I could feel the Vortex for myself. Mark will post about our hike but in short, I was convinced I indeed felt the vortex. I stood quietly. Jane was in the Ergo on my back after our 4 mile hike. I started to feel some tingles in my arms! My mind was clear (which usually happens after good exercise and fresh air)! I was in a beautiful setting listening to the creek flow! This was it, I was feeling the Vortex! Jane asked to get down. As I unstrapped her from the Ergo I quickly realized the tingles I had been feeling were not the Vortex (whomp, whomp, whomp). The tingles came from carrying my 35lb child on my back in the Ergo while hiking 4 miles. Vortex bubble BURST! Oh well, It was fabulously beautiful and so well worth it.

You too can have your own mystic crystal water at home for the low low starting price of $78.
During this spa trip instead of your usual cucumber, mint, or lemon, spa water which would have been so “basic” they had mystic crystal spa water….. you read that right. Water with mystic crystals in it that made you “fit” or “calm”. And according to the booklet I read about it while waiting for my services to start there’s scientific evidence to prove this. Photos from molecules under microscopes included. It MUST be real! In the event you have questions *cough cough* here’s the link to the FAQ’s. You’re welcome.
There were other “spiritual journey” services offered at the spa. A massage for your spirit if you will. Here were some of the tools”that they used for those services in case you wish to explore your own spiritual journey from the comfort of your own home. Oh Amazon. You truly have EVERYTHING don’t you.

Spiritual Journey Spa Service Cards.
A giant thank you to my wonderful friends for the amazing day. I truly enjoyed every minute. You all are too good to me!
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