The day we left on our trip, I was filled with nerves and lots of emotions.
I was in pretty good spirits in the car. Wilson napped! Jane behaved well, and we got to our destination easily. “We’ve got this!” I thought.

Oh, look at us, everyone is doing so well. This is easy!
The blissful overconfidence was my parenting fail. Never get cocky!!! You WILL be humbled.
I took the kids down to the lake where they splashed and threw gum balls in the water. Mark was busy unpacking and organizing camp. We came back to the Airstream. I felt worn out. I was sure it was the emotions of the day, so I sat down on what is our couch AND our bed and started to feel nauseous. I decided to lay down while everyone was occupied with blocks and books.
Within half an hour, I jumped up and started to speed walk across the wet campground to the bathroom.
I made it to the first of three stalls. Stall, not toilet. There I projectile vomited all over the entire toilet. My stomach felt much better but I had to pee, I went to the next stall. Nope! It came at me again. Projectile vomit all over that stall too.

Scene of my crime
I hung out there for a few minutes praying no one else would come. I quickly walked back to the RV where I found Mark and the kids inside playing. I bashfully told him I needed the cleaning supplies, teary eyed thinking my sickness was due to anxiety from the trip. I felt so guilty for destroying the bathroom, I knew I had to go clean it up.
I cleaned up a public restroom of my puke, just let that sink in…This place was no where near “clean” before I walked in and destroyed it. Major low point of the day for sure. I then headed back to our campsite feeling better.

This is where we live now.
Not 10 minutes after I walked in the door to the RV, Wilson projectile vomited all over the blocks he and Jane were playing with. This was his first time throwing up so he was freaking out and had that what the hell is happening to me?” look on his face. I scooped him up and took him outside where he heaved again all down my back and jeans. No problem, I can deal, except we wouldn’t find a washer and drier for three days.
Mark proceeded to clean up the RV crime scene while Jane gagged in the corner at the sight of the vomit. Mark hurried her out the door after us. Wilson and I hung out in the drizzling rain and puked a couple more times. While I hated to see Wilson puke, it made me feel a little better because my illness may actually be a bug, not anxiety.
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Mark made dinner. Needless to say, no one ate much that night.
As I put Wilson to bed, I was terrified that he was going to throw up in the bed that both he and Jane share. We put a towel under him and only had one gagging scare. He soon fell asleep, and we had an uneventful night.
We got lucky there. Lesson learned. Plastic crib sheets are a must.
The other lesson we’ve learned is that it’s difficult to maintain good sanitation on an adventure when you cram four people into a small space. The sickness caused us to realize that we need to be intent in regularly wiping down surfaces with clorox wipes, washing hands, and changing baby diapers with care.The silver lining in this situation is that not only did everyone sleep soundly through the night, but also the women’s bathroom stalls at Santee State Park are now much cleaner.
Do you have a gross public puke story? Please share so I don’t feel alone in destroying bathrooms!
Omg. I have so many gross and utterly embarrassing puke stories, you’d be shocked! My worst was at home with the stomach bug, but I’ll share my public one that you might get a kick out of. A few years back, I went to Memphis to visit Kel Hubbs for the weekend. One day in, we went to a park, playing frisbee etc. I started to feel queasy. I hiked the ridiculously long way to the public bathroom a few times without actually puking. Got back to Kelley and her friends (including poor Lilly Sagar who has a fear of puking and everything about it) and I hung out for a minute. Still feel awful. I stood up to trek back to the bathroom, walked a few steps, turned around and go “I’m not going to make it” as if it were this big idea that just hit me and BOOM! Just like that I keeled over right between families, kids, everyone playing in the park and started puking my brains out. This turned into a 3 day escapade, mind you. And while Kelley and Lilly kept touring Memphis, I toured Memphis’ public bathrooms and parking lots. Trying to persuade the occasional Mexican restaurant guest that the food was probably edible, I was just dealing with something else. Haha. Abysmal. Lol.
Kristen, that is awful but so funny! I love a good puke story!
Been there, Katie! High school, on a Sunday morning, visiting a friend’s church which was being held in a hotel or conference hall. Didn’t even make it to a stall, could only manage the sink(s). The kind staff cleaned up for me. I think they felt sorry for me when they found me lying with my head on the bathroom floor next to the toilet. Ahhh, memories!
Michele, ahh! That’s awful!!! I’m so glad everyone has at least one good puke story to share!
Keep the faith!..
sorry you and Wilson were feeling bad.
Food poisoning?
Ed, nope viral! Everyone but Jane has caught it and it’s taken a solid 4 days to recover. We had to take Wilson to the docor in White Springs.
If you didn’t turn around and head home after that day, I do believe you are going to make it with flying colors!!!
Thanks, Soo Soo! We’re still recouping and excited to continue our adventure.
how about throwing up in my Michael Kors purse at Mon Ami Gabi in Las Vegas? No drinking involved..but the bathroom was so far from the eating area, I could not make it…needless to say, the purse was tossed….
Oh no!!! A Michael Kors purse? That’s so terrible!!! I’m sorry! Puke stories are always the worst at the time and the funniest later aren’t they? I feel like so many people have a good one. Seriously sorry about your purse!