I’d regret it if I didn’t post something here about the Lion King. I need to remember this obsession of Jane’s.
The week before we left on our trip Jane turned 4. She asked if I would take her to see The Lion King musical for her birthday. She had the original broadway soundtrack and knew the words to all the songs. Not just “Hakuna Matata” and “Can You Feel the Love Tonight?”. She knew the words to ALL the songs. Including the African chants. In fact, some of the African Chants are her favorite tracks on the CD.
We listened to the Lion King cd so much at the start of this trip that I had to hide the cd. Whenever we’d get to a campground her first question would be “Do we have electricity here?” If we did, she knew she could play her Lion King cd and put on a performance for us in the Airstream. The CD still sits in our glove box for safe keeping.
Most National Park campgrounds have a stage where rangers give talks or host evening programs. Nothing excites Ms. Jane Louise Kelley more than putting on her “Lion King Show” on these stages. She sings and dances her little heart out. Wilson’s even been cast in the production now and sings and dances along with her.
And I’ll have you know that since February Jane’s been talking about Halloween. She wanted to be Scar from Lion King and wanted Mom, Dad and Wilson to be the three Hyenas. We settled on her being a Lion and have told her that Wilson gets to choose his own costume this year.
At least I know her lion suit will get lots of use.
Jane, I miss you and Wilson sooooo much! You are adorable in your lion suit! Can’t wait to see you again!
Aww thanks Jane! I hope you’re well!
So cute, My oldest grand daughter 6 does a really nice performance of Elsa, the ice princess. I mean really good, with all the gestures. Amazing what they catch at an early age.
Wayne, they could duet!!!