Artwork that Jane gifted to our neighbors at the campground.
So I’ll attribute this 100% to Daniel Tiger. It has nothing to do with me. I’m not an overly “kind” person. But my kids are!
Jane and Wilson have each adopted an adorable trail behavior.
When we go for hikes, Jane will take a sheet of stickers and whenever we pass someone else on the trail, she’ll stop them and ask them if they’d like a sticker.
It truly is sweet. The smile it brings to even the burliest hiker’s face is joyful.
She’s also taken to coloring no less than a million pictures and passing them out to our “neighbors” in the campgrounds. Don’t worry grandparents. We accompany her on these kindness missions.
Once, when we ran into our “neighbors” on a hiking trail Jane asked them if they had the picture she had given them. Mark and I quickly started to make up excuses for this kidless couple who might not know what to say if they had tossed the picture. Then, to our surprise, the girl said “Of course!” and proceeded to pull the picture Jane had colored out of her backpack.
Wilson when we hike and stop for a snack will share his with anyone who passes by.
He’s passed out pistachios, gummies, grapes, and even a precious candy corn to our fellow hikers.
I’m just surprised they take them AND eat them. Food from kid’s hands makes me cringe. They’re always somehow sticky and dirty no matter how recently they’ve been washed.
“Jam hands” as Mark’s sister likes to call them.
These actions of love and kindness make me want to be better. They bring so many smiles to people’s faces, and help spread joy.
It makes me so proud of my kids. They’re already better people than I’ll ever be!
Give yourself credit! They learned kindness from someone! 🙂
Haha, thanks!