Jane and me on our magical hike in Palo Duro.
Last time I asked myself this question, it was with a “Holy ¥#%*” tone. I couldn’t believe I was living in a trailer with my family. I felt very lacking. I wanted my big house back. I wanted my every day comforts back. I even found myself missing the routine of work.
We had the pleasure of getting to stay with one of my life long friends and her family on a Sunday to Monday last week. Their life is similar in many ways to the one we left. They both have great jobs. They have two sweet girls. They have the busy morning schedule of getting everyone up and ready and to where they each need to be on Monday morning. What was a seamless schedule to them was a “blast from the past” eye opener for me. I had already forgotten what that’s like! Just getting a glimpse of what our old life was like made me so thankful for our new one.
When we got to Palo Duro I had this very thought as we were hiking “Is this really my life? I’m so glad Mark rented out our house for two years. I could see us potentially doing this for longer.” Say what? Did I actually think that?
Mark renting our house out for two years has been a small point of contention between us. You see, I was out with a friend one Thursday night. When I left, I had scheduled 4 families to come look at our house to rent for a year. They were all set to come by on Saturday. When I came home later that night Mark informed me that he had rented the house out….for TWO years! Everything was agreed to while I had been out at a movie. I was pretty upset. I cried. I called my friend the next day and bawled about it for an hour. I mean a year is a LONG time to be gone. But two? Come on man! I don’t want to be out of my home for TWO years!
We still have the option of wrapping up after a year. We have the option to move back into one of our rental houses, one of which was our first home. While I miss our home, thanks Mark for giving us the push out the door on the adventure.
(Update: Here’s how Mark’s decision to rent the house for 2 years cost us $5,000 when we decided to come home after one year.)
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