Jane presenting a powerpoint presentation to 30 fourth graders.
I am very much enjoying my time with Jane and Wilson. I can’t believe how much they have learned and grown as tiny people so far. Over Easter we spent some time with my parents in Fort Myers. My mom teaches fourth grade so Jane and I decided to bake cookies and take them to her class to decorate. While we were decorating one little girl asked Jane if she would show the class her pictures from the Everglades. Jane said “Sure!”. After we were done decorating cookies we pulled up the blog and Jane sat on a little stool and described each of the pictures and told a couple of short stories about our trip. I played assistant and clicked through the slide show while she narrated. I was shocked. Quietly I stood in the corner and tried not to laugh and pick my jaw up off the ground as I couldn’t believe my tiny four year old was speaking so beautifully and confidently in front of such a crowd. Afterwards the kids asked her questions and she answered them with little help. I don’t know if I’ve ever been more proud of her. I’m still amazed.
Sweet Wilson. He’s repeating everything we say. I love 18 month olds. It’s truly one of my favorite stages in development. He’s starting to sing songs along with us. He is enjoying being read to so much. Many times a day he’ll come over to one of us, and hand us a book saying “book” or “read”. We sit and he giddily plops into our laps.When we read to him he often finishes the last word of each sentence of many of his books. I’m so happy and feel so lucky to get to spend this time with him. He loves to be cuddled before and after sleep. I’m sucking in every second of that. Believe me. He’s sleeping better. I think some of disruptive nights can be associated with the four new teeth he’s cut since we left Raleigh. Lets hope that continues as we head West. All in all, they are both doing amazingly well and adapting better than I could have even imagined. Jane has even expressed a couple of times that she loves her new house (the Airstream) and the time with us better than our life back in Raleigh. Small comments like that from her and seeing Wilson’s excitement over our daily adventures are what make this so fulfilling. It keeps me pressing on when I feel like I’m lost in all this.
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