If you’ve read our articles from the past, you’ve likely seen that we keep a pretty close eye on financials and other numbers. I’m not a numbers person. I’m actually pretty terrible at math, especially beyond Algebra, though I get a kick out of tracking stats and figures from our travels. Here are some stats […]
Living Out of Our Tiny Fridge
Remember in college those little fridge/freezers you had in your dorm room? That’s what we have in the Airstream. It’s tiny. I kind of love it. For me the difference between living on the road and camping on the road is this fridge. It makes life so much easier and so much more livable. At […]
How Do We Find Our Campsites?
We’ve had a couple of RV’ers ask how we determine where we stay. So feel free to skip this post if you aren’t a camper. I usually check 4 different places to find a campsite. That is when we’re not staying in a National or State park. Those I book through the state’s website or […]
Our Daily Routine While Living on the Road
As I’ve mentioned before, our schedule hasn’t changed much since we left on our adventure. On the days we aren’t traveling to a new place, which is about once or twice a week, our schedule follows our normal routine. We get up, have breakfast, do a big activity, have lunch, rest time, another activity, dinner, […]
I’m HUUUUNGRY. How we manage kid snacks on the road.
My mom was always anti-junk food. “Don’t buy it and the kids won’t eat it”- wise words from our pediatrician growing up. I’d like to think I’m better than the average Joe at what my kids eat. Sure, it would be super easy to throw them a bag of cheese-its or stop at a gas […]
The Cards We Carry for Discounts While We Travel
Each month we’re sharing how much it costs to RV around America, breaking down expenses across categories as we try to spend within our projected budget. There are a few ways that we try to save money while we travel and manage risk. We have all sorts of insurance, of course, but we also opted […]
Dealing with Diapers
Diapers probably aren’t something you think about when you think about our travels, but we have to think about them all the time. Diapers are a big part of our little Airstream and adventure life. Buying Diapers and Wipes We have to stock a lot of diapers and wipes while we travel, as many of […]
Playground Moms, Your Personal Travel Agents.
Last Sunday I was wandering the isles of the “general store” outside of Capitol Reef National Park. We had no more fresh vegetables or fruit in the RV. Despite checking Yelp and TripAdvisor I had come up empty handed other than this general store for groceries. I grabbed some limp asparagus and asked the owner […]
Keep The Change, Ya Filthy Animal.
A photo essay of my first quarter shower experience…..that I shared with Jane.
What Are We Eating on Our RV Adventure
I’d say this is the question I get asked the most often. In the RV, when we’re connected to power at campground, we have an electric powered convection oven, microwave, and fridge. The stove top runs on gas. When we’re not hooked up to electricity (many campgrounds don’t offer it), the fridge and stove run […]