During our stay at Anavilhanas Lodge near Manaus, there was a dock, just off the resort. It had a bar, chairs, and paddle boards. We were all scared out of our minds when we found out the swimming area wasn’t gated in a specific area. We’d just be swimming in the wild amazon river.
Still, we jumped in.
The water was dark brown, and you couldn’t see your feet if they were in the water. It was cool, scary, and strange as we dove in head first to this deep, DEEP, dark water.
There was a buoy about 90 feet out, and that was the limit of the swimming area. My mom decided she was going to go paddle boarding to the buoy. I swam next to her, and we were about 50 feet out when we saw some dolphins! They weren’t pink dolphins, though we did see a lot of them. They were these tiny gray dolphins, and they ate piranha. The realization was so horrifying I froze. A dolphin sped past about 3 feet away as I carefully climbed onto the back of my moms paddle board. I misplaced my foot and fell back in, horrified.
Yeah, THAT never happened.
But we did see some small gray dolphins while paddleboarding, and It was still a cool experience without nearly being eaten alive by piranhas. Believe it or not, piranhas aren’t even as blood thirsty as you think they are. Think of them as pinfish! They have tiny sharp teeth! The only thing we really had to worry about was stuffing too much cheesy bread in our mouth and drowning.
On our last day, we went on an 8 hour boat ride. The river boat was two stories tall, and we stopped to swim. Me, Wilson, our new friends, Peir, Fort, and Elle all jumped off the railing on the second floor. I will never do that again. NeverNeverNeverNEVER AGAIN!!! The water is always surprisingly warm, kinda like a hot tub! Maybe not. Anyway, It was an amazing experience and also a scary one. Luckily everyone still has all their toes.

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