Location: Shenandoah National Forest I’m writing this entry one day late. Yesterday I was too cold to write. I bought a pair of gloves today, a dollar ninety-nine at Elk Wallow Gap Wayside. They keep my fingers somewhat warm but make my handwriting worse than usual. They hardly insulate my hands, and they appear to […]
Hiking Into The Shenandoahs and Not Bad Still Struggles – AT Thru-Hike Day 116
Location: Tom Floyd Wayside Shelter I woke up really late this morning. When my 8:00am alarm sounded, I turned it off, rolled over, and slept until 10:00am. I forced myself out of my sleeping bag. A cold front had moved in overnight so the morning was much chillier than last evening. I packed my gear […]
Alone Again on the Appalachian Trail and Hiking Twenty Mile Days – AT Thru-Hike Day 115
Location: Manassas Gap, VA I’ve come 20 miles to Manassas Gap shelter tonight. I am supposed to meet Not Bad here if he was feeling better after a night at the hostel. He has not shown and it is dark. I thought that I might shorten my day tomorrow to see if he catches up […]
Torn to Leave A Thru-Hiker Behind on the Trail – AT Thru-Hike Day 114
Location: Unknown Shelter I woke well rested this morning at the Blackburn Center. Not much light came into the shelter, so I’m glad that I set my alarm last night. I woke up before Not Bad and I ate breakfast before he acknowledged that I was awake by rolling over in his sleeping bag. I […]
Another Thru-Hiker at Risk of Falling Off the Trail – AT Thru-Hike Day 113
Location: Blackburn Center, Virginia After a quick breakfast at the hotel, I said goodbye to Mom and Dad. I felt refreshed after my long weekend break, and I was ready to return to the trail. I checked the post office before I left. Cold Feet had sent me a maple leaf sugar cube from Maine. […]
Staging for the Last Half of the Appalachian Trail – AT Thru-Hike Day 112
Location: Historic Hilltop Hotel, Harper’s Ferry, WV I said goodbye to Katie this morning. I enjoyed staying with her for a couple nights and being in familiar surroundings. Mom and Dad drove Not Bad and me to Harper’s Ferry, and the ride passed as quickly as the train ride had. In Harper’s Ferry, we ate […]
Another Urban Zero off the Appalachian Trail – AT Thru-Hike Day 111
Location: Washington, DC Today I saw Mom and Dad for the first time since I began my trip. Katie let me borrow her car and I went to visit them at their hotel room. I have missed them these last few months, but reuniting with them was not as emotional as I thought it might […]
Recooperating in Washington DC – AT Thru-Hike Day 110
Location: Washington, DC Not Bad and I woke up around 6:00am to catch the train to Washington, DC. I only slept a few minutes last night by the river. My muscles tightened quickly in the hour that I lied down, but the bleeding patches on my hips didn’t scab. It was still dark when we […]
Blazing Through Maryland in a Day – AT Thru-Hike Day 109
Location: Bank of the Potomac River, Harper’s Ferry, WV I woke to an alarm clock this morning. I had 38 miles to reach Harper’s Ferry, WV, where I needed to be by 7:00am on the 29th to catch the commuter train to DC. I left early and with haste. I knew I was in for […]
Crossing the Mason Dixon on the Appalachian Trail – AT Thru-Hike Day 108
Location: Devil’s Backbone Racecourse Shelter, Maryland I hiked 33 miles today. I crossed from Pennsylvania into Maryland late this afternoon. The sign marking the Mason Dixon line had been stolen and only permanent marker scribbling on the post designated the border. There was a sign though that said ‘Welcome to the south. Free whores.’ After […]
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