Thru-hiking the Appalachian Trail is an enormous undertaking that requires ample preparation. The last thing you want to do is hit the trail without your mind, body, and gear being ready! Here are our top ten tips to help you prepare for a successful Appalachian Trail thru-hike: HIKER HACK: Before getting to the list, here’s […]
Archives for December 2014
What is an Appalachian Trail Trail Name? How do I get one?
You’ve surely come across trail journals from people with names like Stomper and Funky Butt and wondered who in their right mind would give their children those monikers. And the answer is: no one. These aren’t the names that parents gave their squealing babies at birth. These are the names that they adopted on the […]
10 Energy Foods that help hiking the Appalachian Trail
Planning out your food for the AT is a complicated process. Replenishing the 3,000-6,000 calories you’ll burn each day requires an awful lot of food! To make things even harder, your food needs to be to be lightweight, nutrient dense, and resistant to spoiling. And you want it to taste really good, too! While backpacking […]
How do I get to Springer Mountain to start an Appalachian Trail hike?
There are so many important logistics to consider when planning a big thru-hike that it can be easy to forget some of the smaller ones – like just how you’re going to get there! If you’re planning a northbound thru-hike on the AT, you will be starting at Springer Mountain, Georgia. So how are you […]